Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Fundraising

Lotsa good times at On The Rocks this past sunday! I was super stoked for this show because we'd sounded so sweet in rehearsal, I couldn't wait to play a new song from the new album. Man did it sound good! And soooo much good talent all in the same room! What a fucking honor to be a part of that group, seriously, everyone that got up and played was fucking amazing, the whole show blew my mind. Some of my own personal favorites include Whiskey Wagon http://www.myspace.com/thewhiskeywagon Landon was so funny on stage and their christmas song was an original. And he told me stories about smuggling booze into bars. Always a fav of mine. I don't really have to anymore because I keep getting paid in the stuff...
Of course there were lots of other great performers. All of them. I don't think at any point in the night did I think "Dude, this band sucks. I wish that other dude was playing again." Or anything even along those lines.
I do have a new demo up of the song we played that night. "Tonight" is up on my facebook/reverbnation page and you should give it a quick listen. "Gotta get that Money" was sung by all the boys in the band (it's a backup line in the song and its hilarious) and I really really wish that I could see a video of them singing it hahaha I wish I could see a video of the whole damn performance!
Anyway, lots of great music, so many new friends, lots of good shows coming up for me, and I'm happy to be doing all of it. But I'm really fucking happy to be done for the month, and relaxing in my new fluffy sweater and my underwear. See you in January! Thanks for the support! Thanks to all the venues that booked me this month and let me drink 'til I shouldn't be drinkin' no mo! Thanks to everyone that's ever come out to a show this year and supported a drunk asshole like me! Thanks for reading my blog and telling all your friends about it! Each and every one of them!
heart tiff

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now that I'm done ranting about whether live music will die or not, we can all go back to enjoying our beautiful yeg weather :p Come on guys.... you live in Edmonton Alberta! It snows here. Every year. Lots. Every year. Let's all get used to it, it's not like it's freakish or abnormal, it's VERY normal for us to have cold weather and shitty snow-blown roads on December 15th right?
I got together with my pal Jesse Peters yesterday and we're working on some harmonies for the album and all kinds of fun stuff. He's also got his own album coming out, a tasty little jazz treat you might like.
Go there!! Check out his stuff and this cool little website where you can donate to help his cause: good music. And if he gets famous, that helps me because we're pals, and he produced my album, so we're workin' together. Get him muthafucking famous dudes!
I like the website, and I've seen something similar before and it worked! I'll probably set something up like that one of these days as well, because Gawd, it's expensive to get your music out to people.
But I've got gigs coming up, so I'm makin mullah, don't worry 'bout my rent peeps. We're playing this sunday night at On The Rocks to help raise monies for the Bissell Center. My normal drummin' pal Nick Lovejoy won't be joining us, but our new drumming pal, Kurtis Schultz aka Beat Boss Robot (I gave him that name. Now who's cool) will be joining us and don't worry, he's a nice robot, he doesn't rip arms out or laserbeam anybody so you'll be fine. I'll protect you.

See? That's him with Ajay and Drew. He seems nice enough. Don't be afraid. There good boys.

Oh, see now there he is with a boy who doesn't like shirts. Maybe he's roboting him there, I'm not sure...
Don't worry, I do know he can play drums and that we will be having a great time this weekend raising money for charity (which is always good times!) and then I'm done! I'm done for Christmas and I will be enjoying BC with mum mike kyle morpheous and sunshines!
But come to On The Rocks Sunday night, check out some great live music (or I'll rant again, I'm warning you!) and all our playing helps out the Bissell Center, and you'd like that. So would Santa.
heart tiff

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I don't want Live Music to die!

I got an email from the booker at Lyve on Whyte and I'm super sad that the place is closing down. I'm not surprised, just fucking sad. It's all about numbers. You just can't get people interested in live music anymore and that obviously fucking sucks for me! I don't know if it's because there are soooo many bands out there and some are going to inevitably suck balls, and people are sick of hearing them, or if it's too cold to leave your house, or the style of music thats super popular these days isn't possible live, but fuck! If you don't support it, it will die, and then we're stuck listening to Rhianna and Eminem and fake music made out of peoples basements on computers all day.
I like technology and what it can do for real instruments, I don't like that people who can't fucking sing or play anything are richer than me in this profession!!!
I guess I'm just upset today cause it makes me think: What's going to happen to me? Nobody likes music, you can't get a music venue to stay open because they can't afford to, and that's sad for me cause that's how I pay my bills, and also how I showcase my own stuff and try to get famous!
If anyone out in internet land is reading this, I'd love to know what it is about music venues you don't like. Seriously! I know for me, I hate watching shitty bands. There I said it. I know you've got to start somewhere, but hopefully you started in a rehearsal room or something along those lines. I like watching good bands! I love watching good bands! I like watching people start their career but who have something worth starting a career with!
Just let me know what you think about music venues and why they aren't really getting the support they need, let me know why guys! It's not like I can do anything about it, but I like the conversation. I just want to talk to sommmmebuddy.

But good news, I'm busy as all shit this December! Make money money make money money! So I wasn't all that worried about myself this month. I'm so busy I don't know when I'll be able to get into the studio and finish layin down vocal tracks for the album! But we've got to, cause this is one bad muthafucker and we need to finish it so you can hear it. If you liked the last one, you'll like this. If you didn't like the last one (well a, you suck) then you'll like this one, cause it's a gem.

Don't forget to check out this invite on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=131674613554259
It's an event I'm playing right away in December, and all proceeds are going to the Bissell Center! Lots of cool artists from around town are playing, including myself, and we're gonna party it up Christmas style! Bring your ugly ass christmas sweaters!
Also, I love Movember when everyone has ugly facial hair. It's my favorite holiday. DONT SHAVE DUDES! I THINK YOU LOOK HOTTER WITH A MUSTACHIO!

heart tiff

Monday, November 8, 2010

edson crazy days

You know you've made it when you're being asked to sign old hairy asses.

Yup. I'm a pretty big deal.
This particular ass is from the Nitty show, the picture is taken by the Reverand Lovejoy, and he so graciously sent it to me from his iphone and I have decided to share it with you my pretties.

As we were signing that ass, we were drunkenly booked for a birthday gig in edson, playing for the dude booking us, Brian, who had planned a surprise birthday party for his wife. So we get all set set up for this gig, drive down to edson, turn at the big
"Happy 40th Birthday Biatch" sign and get set up to play. But first we made ourselves alittle special friend. His name is Darcy. Old, self important, drunk, and quite sure that the Fab Tiff Hall is gonna go outside with him, smoke dope with him, then drive her band up to Revelstoke to play for his family, and then crash at his house. Yah, he's probably right, I'm totally into doing stupid crazy stuff. Not stupid crazy stuff with dudes older than my dad thank you very much. I'm an alcoholic, I'm drunk all the friggin time, and my beer goggles have been fine tuned.
The gig went well, we had some beers at old Castaways again, and tried to make friends with the band playing there. Who knows what they thought of us, but we didn't get kicked out of the hotel and I consider that a successful night for Tiff and the Jews. (Not our real band name, just a really bad inside band joke. But I'll keep it if you like it!)
Anyway I've sobered up since then, finished writing the last tune on the next album with Jesse Peters http://www.myspace.com/paramedicmusic and started looking for the next date I can book time with Jeff Olson at http://www.phoneticsound.com/ (who actually has a really cute blog posting about me if you'd like to see it!)
I've been a busy busy girl.
heart tiff

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Western Gear

Adventures of being a warm up band for a band you've actually heard of. And so have your grandparents... my Papa most def knows "Fishin' in the Dark" I bet he can do the Cadilac Ranch. I apparently can't spell it, but I bet my 75 year old grampa can shake his ass to it... And knowing him, he's got a few ladies shakin' it on either side of him. #pimpdaddy
Did you see that? I just put a hashtag in my blog. What is this shit? Twitter? No. It's not. What are you doing up at this hour tiff?

So I finally get my shit together and print out my contract for this gig this weekend, and there are a few questions I have about it so I call up the dude that's taking care of it. We sort some shit out and then I throw in, mostly as a joke, "It says we have to wear western gear, is that fo' real?" I don't call him homeboy though... but he essentially told me yes. It's in my contract to wear country western gear.
I can't even write this blog without laughing to myself over that one. I'm relatively new to this music thing (in the grand scheme of things) and I haven't seen this yet. I'm prepared for the crazy ass things I'm going to encounter in this line of work, but I guess I didn't think I was going to be signing contracts that say I have to wear western gear. Oh well, I was born to break the rules, especially if they're rules about employment. So I told the band I didn't care what they wore, they just aren't allowed to look like the city kids they are. No scarves and skinny jeans boys.... Kyle always makes fun of the kids on whyte ave, says he can't drink on whyte unless he's wearing one of my scarves, but I have a memory (very blurry) of him dancing like Michael Jackson in a white jacket of mine that didn't cover his belly button, under one of those purple light things...
The whole thing is ridiculous! My shit! Nitty Gritty's shit! Cowboy hats and 1400 people doing the line dances... how did this happen???? We're not a country band! We're not even a rock band! We're not even a blues band!!!! But we know how to get the party started and I'm interested to see how this goes...
Like, look at those guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now picture me with my hot pink buttons that say "mother fucking fab" and my mother fucking blog, and Karma, and I just want to take his shirt off, and all my pretty shoes....
HAHAHA WHY THE HELL AM I OPENING UP FOR THESE GUYS??? WHO DECIDED THIS WAS A GOOD MATCH??!!! Of course, I want to do this, I want to play in front of any amount of people, let alone a sold out show of 1400, but why the hell did anyone pick me? Hey, I know, I kick ass, but in a whole different arena of kick ass then them. I'm in a different province of kick ass, if they're B.C. I'm the Hudson Bay or something...
Look! That's me! Hunting gophers in a cute poncho from Le Chateau... that's the only time I've ever spent any significant time on a farm and I had ballarina flats, a poncho and hairspray...
Oh well!
Then the next day I'm at Kyle's mom's house eating turkey and drinkin' tequilla like everything's back to normal!
heart tiff

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gittin' Gritty

Oh fer sure we're in. We had no doubts evah. Evah evah. If they didn't let us open up for Nitty I was gonna give up music all together. I know there's only a few things I'm good at, one of them is performing. Actually, until recently I thought maybe that was it! That was the ONLY thing I was good at, but maybe I'm alright at blogging. Lovejoy keeps telling me that my blogs make him laugh, so maybe I'll just keep blogging about our crazy road trips. And Oh em gee guys, the new band? They are crazy. We most def will be having crazy road trips. I can't even tell you about what was talked about on the way to Edson, it was seriously crazy! Funny/gross stories had to be stopped because they were pretty gross.
But we get to Edson start getting our stuff in there, I don't have a piano stand. We get up on stage, I don't have a piano pedal. No biggie. I'll play the piano laying on my belly and without any sustain-age happening. (no.)
Guess what else I don't have? The power cord. Oh! Sure, Tiff doesn't need a piano. I'm just queen of dueling piano extraordinaire and have never performed without a piano in front of me. So we do it sans piano. And obviously we killed it. Not 100% sure what to do with my hands, but I like moving around on stage, being able to turn and look at the boys, make my way over to whatever safe place I've put my beer....
and oooh nelly there were some of those afterwards. We make our way over to Castaways after we're all done, and there is a STELLAR band playing! Zoo Lion from Calgary who, apparently, opened up for fucking Bon Jovi. Same kinda situation as we just went through, they entered a contest and the prize was BJ (hahaha)
They were great. We chatted with them, got our drunk asses home, and woke up the tenant downstairs. He had no shirt on, and it was 6 30 in the morning... weird, but I was drunk enough still it didn't phase me. In fact I stayed drunk until we got back into the city, where I finally sobered up enough to pass out again.
So if you're in the edson area, come check us out Oct 9. Word on the street is we're in Hinton on the 10th, but thats not confirmed. We're also at the Brixx Oct 29 but I'll get ya some more details on that when I'm done recording my demo today : P

heart tiff

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gettin' Nitty and gritty and possibly dirty

So I grew up in Edson Ab. Say whatever you want about it, I won't say anything here. But I've got some old family friends there and they let me in on something happening this weekend. We're trying out to be the warm up band for Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Now I know... I'm not a coutnry artist but what the fuck do I care? I like gigging, and I like gigging with names that I recognize. And I have to play fishing in the dark or that other one with the line dance all the time at work (ahem cough cough dueling pianos. feel free to book me to duel at your venue) so why the hell wouldn't I want to open for them? I think it's neat-o. And of course, the band has yet to have played together. YIPPEE. So speed rehearsal tomorrow! Not that I'm worried, they're good players, and it's typical cover stuff we'll be playing anyway. I'm more worried that I haven't heard back from the organizer of the event about how long we play for, if they want covers, or originals, what kinda gear do we need... so I don't even know how many vehicles we need to get to edson. Sigh. The worst part is that I'm sitting at home with nothing to do but wait for a list of people to get back to me. And I can't think of anyone else to get to in the first place so that they can get back to me too! So I play some dorky computer games, stalk people on facebook until I find someone else I should be getting in touch with. It's a hard job. It is!!! I don't know what to do is the hardest, so how do I do it? Anyway, I found this, so I'm doing something this weekend.

I played the ol' dueling pianos at Overtime in Sherwood Park this weekend and to my pleasant surprise, I was playing along Jesse Dollimont from The Consonance. We only got one boy to take a shirt off, but we gave away some shots and that makes for a good night of dueling piano in my books. Check out: http://www.youtube.com/theconsonance cause they've got some good stuff up there.
So... just checked the ol' email. nothing from noone.
This might not get me famous, but it could get me skinnier, which could get me famous so I might as well put it up here: I'm looking to join a soccer team again! Nothing competitive, just some ladies my age running around and having some fun. I like to practice and play games and I miss it. So if you're looking for a funny, once-was-actually-pretty-good-but-now-is-starting-to-get-alittle-older-and-fatter kinda player, then let me know!
heart tiff

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Freakin' the Fuck Out

So I take myself on over to Long and McQuade. Buy two keyboards. Right there on the spot! But my stomach's trying to catch my attention and say "Dude! Don't do it! I'll poop right now if you do this!" I didn't poop. Don't worry. But I was pretty freaked out. I'm not the most financially stable musician out there right now, but I needed 'em. They're not as technologically frustrating as that last MONSTER I owned, but they have so few buttons that I am proud to say I already know how to work them. They have all the sounds I need, and there are two of them. Which means, Kyle better get his sweet sweet ass to work and build me some shells! And I have to save up money to get the rest of this fucker up and running. Like a new website. And my taxes. Apparently I'll need to pay taxes before anyone is going to let me be a legit business. Fuck them. Haters.
But I did pick my business name. Don't remember if I told you or not, but my company will be "The New Fab Music" and both of the musical acts will be "The New Fab Players" (that's a dueling piano show, and a full coverband act)
So slooooowly I make myself grow up and be more adult. And its scary as shit. But it's probably good it's taking so slow, cause I'm also scared shitless, so as long as I'm waiting to get some mullah together then I'm not stressing about the next step.
heart tiff

Friday, August 27, 2010

Coffee - nose cleaner

I want to tell you a quick story about me. About being computer retarded. I JUST noticed that there were any comments on this blog! Now I owe huge apologies to Andrea and Jesse cause I just saw them and they're good enough friends to comment even though I should be in Computer Kindergarden.
Also, another quick story: The Reverand (Nick Lovejoy drummer for the Gods) told me that he was reading a blog of mine and laughed so hard he had coffee coming out his nose. ehehehe I never meant to hurt anybody, just make them laugh until coffee came squirting out their nose.
Also, I'm writing today! With LoungeMD aka Jesse Peters (check out his blog as well! and his music!)
so we'll soon have something to show you guys.
ALSO. I'm buying a keyboard today, one of the two that will make up my new dueling piano company. Which I've decided on a name for! "The New Fab Players" will be up and running as soon as Kylie-wiley can do some building for me, and I can get this car-insuring-monkey off my back. Then I can buy the second keyboard and we'll be makin' some gravy! I'll let you know when you can check out a website, but it'll tell you to about the dueling piano show, also the cover band that you'll be able to book. (don't worry, it's fronted by me so its awesome) then I'll be a fancy business lady or something.
Thats it. Thats all I got for you at the moment. But come out to Overtime in Sherwood Park this weekend and I'll be there, dueling the face off of other piano players!
heart tiff

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Makin' Musac

I've decided to like blogging. If it's not a chore then its funer...funner...something like that. It's ok. I can write about any old thing that I do and if it's funny to someone, awesome. If it's not, I'm not getting any famous-er right now anyway, so I might as well be blogging!
Had some drinks with Ms. Harper last night, talked about the dueling piano thang. We're trying to come up with business names for me. Something along the lines of "The Fab Tiff Hall and the Playas" Something... any ideas are welcome! I've got to go to some online thesaurus and look up different words for party, machine, hire me, and paying rent. I'm sure the anwser is somewhere in there.
Also went for drinks and found some bandmates!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jumping on board with me is the very handsome, talented, and smelling of nice young boys, I proudly introduce to you:
Ajay Paterson: the bully-er of all basses. No bass guitar can have any confindence after Ajay has spanked it all night long.
He's funny, he's single (ladieeeeees) and he told me his friends were drinking at Hudson's last night, and they weren't, so it ended up being just the two of us talking about our lives for the past 4 years or something.
Drew Malcolm: Guitar serenader! Guitar mamma's hide their young, soft, supple guitar baby girls away when they see this handsome young feller around! Lock em up! Lock em up! Drew's in town! He will make them love him and leave their guitar nest to follow him around the countryside! Playing Fab Tiff Hall shows and making human girl's scream and cry!
Last, but never least, but the shy-est of the group (I know, it's funny cause it's not true) Nick the Reverand Lovejoy: His anniversary is almost my birthday, his wife is gorgeous, and he'll give me a run for my money in a loud-obnoxious competition ;)
He'll also drum the shit out of any song on any setlist, and his parents will come and watch the show and entertain the band with stories of hilarious bumper stickers! He now has seniority over the other two, being in the band for probably a month or two longer than them. Feel free to wedgie them Nick. And to take the biggest piece of chicken.

Those are the boys! I may have some other fine musicians to introduce you to right away, so keep-on-a-readin! Also, if you have a gig, please book us! Or if you have any idea what my biz name should be, please tell me! If you see me on the street, please feed me!
heart tiff

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Local Lilith Fair - The Morning After

Ugh. My head was fine, until I finished sobering up. Not that I got wasted, I'm just not 16 anymore......
I met alot of nice people, alot of talented people, and alot of drunk people. (My fav).
I also sold alot of buttons. I didn't know the fab Tiff Hall had buttons...? Well, I didn't, until yesterday on my way out to St. Albert. My pal Michael Hutchinson did them up for me, and cheap too! Very decent price, especially for how awesome they look! Some adult ladies (who I thought was one of the other singer's Mom) bought them just because they couldn't believe that that was what I was selling. I felt pretty dirty for a second when I thought it was Amber's mom, but then I thought, "Fuck, my Mom would wear ten at one time, and run around selling them to other people...so her Mom can't be that mad at me." Right? If my Mom approves of my ridiculous behaviour then whose Mom should judge me? Anyway... the buttons were a hit. I sold ALOT of CDs, which never happens, and felt good. Felt good and drunk.
I'm most def playing there again, I'll let you know, and if you don't come out, then your loss!!!! because it's a grand ol time out at the Taphouse St Albert.
heart tiff

Monday, August 9, 2010

Local Lillith Fair

My pal Michael has invited me to play in a show he has put together called the Local Lillith Fair. Last time I played a show for him out in St. Albert it was pretty close to a gong show. So I said yes. If you've ever been to the the Tap House in St.Albert, you should go again. I've looked up some info on the other ladies playing that night, and just to convince you further, I'll share alittle of my superior (heh) knowledge with you:
Amber Schneider, now I met her at Grant Mac, and again that night, http://www.amberschneider.com/index.html and she's super talented and I think we possibly had some good laughs as well. The other pretty ladies? Wasn't sure I had met any of them, so this is why I've researched. Some call it spying, but I think you're all beyond judging me now. Jadie Hunt I think I actually did meet that night as well! The clouds of jager have been slowly clearing as I research on. I had been worried that I don't "network" enough, but maybe I do... cause I knew two so far... but the next three I did not. But the one fine lady, Jenn Perry, was from a band called the Shakedowns, so I had more success stalking her and finding out alittle about her. http://www.thisbandkicksass.com/ You can't really argue with a website like that! Not that I would, I'm more of a drinker than an argue-er. Emily Hudson and Leah Durelle are also playing that night and if you come out, you will find out more about them, possibly have some cheap drinks, and maybe even see me sing a little of the new tuneage that will be showing up on the second album (yes). So come on down, and we'll enjoy each others company for alittle while. I'm gonna end up making some new friends, so you should too.
heart tiff

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm sure everyone reading this (what, maybe two people???? but that makes you the fav two in the world!) anyway... I'm sure you two know about hard knocks. Maybe I've had some this year. I'm turning 26 next month and my good pal told me 26 was hard for him. You're not in your early twenties anymore, you're almost an adult, and when you were a kid you had a dream of your fabulous Sex-in-the-City life you were going to be living by now, blah fucking blah. I feel like that was me THIS year. And it fucking sucked! I mean, good things happened. And bad things, and I'm sure everyone's life is like that, whether they're rich or whatevs. The only reason why I bring any of this up is because I feel like today's a good day. I woke up, feeling pretty refreshed and actually willing to do something other than lay in my sweats and play stupid geeky computer games. I'm interested in my piano again, and putting in the effort I need to, just to get this next FEW projects off the ground. Let me tell you alittle about them, because Bird knows, I need the help.

First off, I've started doing alittle work with Jesse Peters for the next album. Second off, I need some band members. My fav boys are moving off to Toronto (boo) to try their musically talented hand out east (yay) and keep pursuing their dreams (yay) and leave me to drink alone (boo).

But hey. They've got dreams too. I wish them all the best of luck (with tears streaming down my face)
If you don't check out
then something bad will happen to someone. I won't tell you who.

So I'm searching for a new band. I've already found Nick Lovejoy, drummer extradinaire. I'm obviously spelling queen -inaire, I have no idea if that's right or not. But Nick's hopped on board, so we're brainstorming bass and guitar players. There are a few requirments:
Must like me, which is like, SO totally hard to do.
Must like beer, jager, or anything in that area.
Those are pretty much it. I can't have someone who doesn't want to drink a few pints with me, make up a setlist, and probably a few times, let my Mom buy them rounds and rounds of beers, because she REALLY likes to. Just ask Ian, the old drummer.

Oh, also they must be handsome, especially the guitar player because for some odd reason girls go apeshit for guitar players. It's true. Or piano players too actually, and I have no idea why. I even googled it. There were many-a-discussion, especially on dating websites about whether guitar players got all the girls or not. I didn't post anything, but I read a few posts.
Also, the duelling thing is on the ol brain. But I'll let you know when I've got something more than a few thought bubbles above my curly haired head.
heart tiff

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Work Related

Not too much to blog about, been playing some dueling piano shows, trying to keep the ol' bank off my back... you know how it goes. But we have started talking about the next album. More to come on that when I actually have something to show you ;)

But I've been thinking more about money making schemes. Not the pyramid kind, but the legit money making kind where I start a business and work hard and then have money to pay my bills kind. I've been thinking about how many weddings and things like that I've been playing, and thought that I should start up alittle website so people could check out the dueling piano stuff I do, maybe the cover band stuff I do, and it would be my little wedding/christmas party/any friggin gig that pays kinda business. Me and Kyle put on our thinkin' caps (they have straws and beer cans on the side) and put a small amount of thought into it, I want it to be somewhere in the area of "The Fab Tiff Hall and her Party Machine" or something like that, but Kyle didn't think respectable people would book me for their classy weddings. So still thinking about it. Realistically I've got to be able to support my fame-seeking adventures in music, it's not all booze sex and rock and roll. :( And I really wish it was...

So if you think about a few names, keep in mind, if you were booking music for your wedding, would you book me with a name like that? Feel free to email me names you come up with, thenewfabmusic@live.ca I'm trying to be slightly "adult" or "mature" or "slightly less retarded" about this little project, cause we need the mullah, and I'm going to be 26. I can't live off KD and Ichiban for the rest of my life.
Luckily Rawlco/Magic 99 still likes me and gave me ANOTHER grant to do ANOTHER cd! So that's some music-makin-mullah that I don't have to worry about! (They are great. I can never thank them enough for their contributions. Especially because I'm crazy and for some reason they like it...?) so on the count of three, everyone say "THANKYOU RAWLCO!"
If only they liked my house as much as my music, then I could have ten thousand dollars to pay rent...
heart tiff

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I want your Sweet Sweet ass to make it down to Avenue Theater Friday Night!

And oooh boy, is it a sweet ass or is it a sweet ass! Let me tell you! So bring it on down! I'm excited, we had a rehearsal the other night. We're playing with Nick the Reverand Lovejoy this friday. My usual boys are (sadly) moving to Toronto this summer, so I'm slowly finding new boys. But I'm open to girls as well... if you know any girls, or boys... send 'em my way. I'm not picky, I'll take what I can get...

They have to be funny. But not funnier than me. I get jealous.

I dreamt that a non-musical friend of mine (we call them muggles) was playing bass for me last night. He was good, but he doesn't really play bass so thanks alot dream.
The point of the story is, come to Avenue Theater on Friday night and watch some wicked musicians putting on a wicked show for you! Theres like, 90 people confirmed on facebook or something...

Also, vote for me on ourstage! I think the "Tiff Team" has set this one up because I don't even know what the password is to log on, so I might as well make my own account and vote for Tiff Hall's Sweet Sweet Lovin' cause its a killer tune. I think I might, and you should too!


go there and find it! Fly!

I'm possibly playing in a "battle of the bands" thingy this month too, but I just heard about that, so I don't have any details for you. You don't like details anyway...


That's Ray Mailman. The one that booked me for this show, and has booked me for a past one. He and the band are super sweet and super talented, and if you like me, you'll like them.
So we'll see you there! And have a super Thursday!
heart tiff

Friday, April 30, 2010

I heart Technology

Guess what? Computer poooooooped out. So I had to scrounge up some money to get a new one. I applied for one of those Staples credit cards and they actually gave it to me... suckers. Ohhh man... credit card tiff? Bad friggin idea. But anyway, got a new computer and guess what it has? Working sound!!!! For about... oh.... forever, my old computer didn't have any sound and I couldn't make it work and as you probably know, I don't exactly speak "Computer" very well. But with this new, shiny, WORKING machine, I'm kinda going around checking out some of the stuff that I had wanted to all along, but couldn't because I couldn't hear shit all. Here's a perfect example:


that's a podcast that I'm mentioned in. I believe... that's possibly the first podcast I've been mentioned in, and I think that's pretty sweet. I know, it's an old podcast, you missed that show already, but I still think it's cool and you should follow these ladies cause they're doing something nice for Edmonton's music scene. And anyone helping out Edmonton's local music is gr-r-r-r-reat. Like a Tiger on a Cereal box kinda great.
So if you listen to these kinda things, listen to theirs.
I'm playing in Leduc on saturday, Dueling pianos at La Pisana. I have no clue where it is, but I'll find it. And if you like dueling pianos, you'll find it too :)
The weekend after that, I'm at Avenue Theater with Ray Mailman, The Consonance, Jonek, and The Joe. We're doing alittle thing called "Funky vs. Fresh" with some funky ass tunes and some intellectual rappers. It's an all ages show, which scares the crap outta me cause I get potty mouthed with mics... but we'll see... we'll see. I've never met most of these dudes, and I'm bringing the lady-talent to the stage I believe... maybe we'll all be friends and do funky/fresh shows together in the future...
heart tiffapparently not so hearting technology... im trying to add a picture and i can't figure even THAT out...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Any publicity is Good Publicity. Especially when it's Really Good Publicity

For those of you that found this blog through my website, you're pretty awesome. I hope you're listening to the CD thinking about how wonderful it is, and how it has filled an otherwise empty compartment in your heart/life. Stretching it alittle? Yah, probably. I think I'm bigger than life. But it's a good thing I'm in such a good mood because yesterday I wasn't. Me and the-bf had discussed getting a dog, and I was more than super-pysched. But we decided yesterday that maybe we weren't really ready for one and I was devastated. But thinking of my first CD review makes me happier, because someone liked the CD and told their entire newspaper about it :)

That's the review. A big shout out to the Gateway for reviewing "The New Fabulous" and saying such nice things about it. And me. I like nice things about me.
And I also wanted to say (better late than never) that the show at the Bluechair cafe was probably the best show I've done to date. Thanks so much for everyone that was there, that played, that bought a CD, that laughed at my jokes, and I really really really hope that I see you again at another gig. Maybe even the Acoustic Open stage I'm doing next week... at the Taphouse in St. Albert... that would be super nice to see you there!
heart tiff

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cross eyed, and not drunk...

You know those great and rare days when you find your new favorite artist? I'm having one of those days, except over the past two days. I have discovered Alice Russell. And doooodes, you should to. Girl's got soul

Now I'm going to do that blogger thing where I apologize because I've got a life offline and haven't written about every little thing I saw/did/ate/said... blah blah blah. You have a life, I have a life, we all should have lives, so sooooorry :p

Other than listening to Alice Russell obsessively, I've been trying to get some more money. That's right, being almost MuthaF***in' famous doesn't pay all that well in the beginning haha... so I've been looking for interesting ways to make money so I don't have to get a day job, because then you'd REALLY never see any new blogs! But I went to a Women's Wealth Workshop, and met some interesting people, including Casey who has set me up with some teaching. I'm basically going to be Jack Black and the kids will be my school of rock. I know. I'm so f**king cool.

I won't lie though guys... I'm feeling alittle burnt out. My throat hurts as a result, and my libido's dropped. I know, life's bad when you don't wanna hump a stud like Kyle all day long. We're only talking about the past few days, not a month or something dramatic, so don't stress about it. I'm already feeling alittle better with the new job, it means less stressing about monies. I've been trying to find new music to inspire me, I made business cards, and I'm thinking of new ways to help promote myself. Life's looking up.

Getting prepared to do a more laid back show at the Bluechair Cafe, not pumping out crazy jams like we usually do. It's more of a .... somewhat of a "listening" venue. So of course, I'm fighting sickness and stuffiness and will probably hack up some nice loogies for everybody to share... but it's a great little place that's just been renovated this past summer, and you should most def come check it out. Not playing with the usual handsome fellers, but these guys are still cool kats. So hopefully I will see you there, and you can recieve you're complimentary copy of the "The New Fabulous" because I love you. And you will love my CD ; )
heart tiff

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Famous or Institutionalized?

I just read "in over your head" a blog by Julien Smith... he asks what would you do differently if you were invisible? (not rob banks guys... or hang out in UFC locker rooms)(those guys are BU-UFF!) If you already knew you would never get famous, there was no media, no one talking about you... how would your work change? (and he's not talking about slacking off at your Starbucks job either) He mentions that no attention also means no judgement... I was thinking about it... and I'm not entirely sure how my music would change, it probably would (I'd write songs with ONLY swear words in them. I'd write Gangsta Rap)... but I mostly started thinking about what I'm doing right now... the promoting part of it... essentially I'm TRYING to get attention, from media and my peeps. When I first started writing the blogs, posting the status stuff, making the fan page, tweeting... I was pretty concious of what I was writing, and what people would think of it. But I wasn't getting any special attention. Not really anyway. And I started being myself again, cause it was just me and my crazy friends posting anything on any of the sites. So everything started being "Tiff" again. It's alot funner this way... and if only my friends are reading it, then I should just be myself... they obviously already enjoy the whole "tiff" thingy anyway...
It's interesting to think about anyway... especially since the whole point of what I'm doing now is to try to get some attention. I wonder if it would work though? Would just being my CRAZY self get me MuthaF**kin' Famous?
heart tiff

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Stiff Tiff

Remember when I was trying to name a shot after myself? Yah, you're right, that was fun... I bet you've already guessed what it is just from the name of this blog haven't you? Yah, cause you're a smart cookie!

I haven't decided for sure WHAT a Stiff Tiff is... it could just be a drink, but I'm a shooter girl. The byproduct of too many years of my short life being spent working in a bar...
Tequila's my favorite. I saw on twitter tequila with cinnamon to replace the salt, and an orange slice to replace the lemon. Thank you twitter! I am learn-ed from you! I've tried this one, it's tasty. And still gonna land you on your ass. Just like me. But let me know if you have any other suggestions, it might result in a prize at Blues on Whyte next weekend!!!! You like prizes right!!!??? Me too

So Blues on Whyte??!!! Yah!

Me and those handsome boys will be playing there Sunday Feb 7, and we've got your fav Fab tunes, and some of your fav old-skool R'n'B tunes too... you like James Brown right? Yah, me too
So come on out! Especially if you're like me and don't work on Mondays. You can have a Stiff Tiff!

If you don't make it out to Blues, I've got a few gigs coming up this month. But don't be lame. Come to Blues.
More details on the other gigs later! And I wanna hear your suggestions for a Stiff Tiff!
heart tiff

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy/Hungry New Years

I sit down at my desk and start reading people's blogs and most of 'em are about newyears and their resolutions, or whatever they feel about that. I guess I wouldn't say I HATE that stuff... but it's dumb in my world. New Years is an excuse to get super drunk, and a reason for businesses to close down so I can't call and order a pizza when I'm hungover the next day. Actually I'm not sure it was the next day... what day was New Years?
I actually didn't get super drunk cause I was playing at the RP but I do remember being hungry...
I don't make resolutions. That's the point of this blog. I don't get all sappy and think about how my year has gone... to be honest I still think the "year" starts in September. Like the school year. I think I've been out of school for five years hahaha man I'm smart...
If I did make a resolution this year it would be to party with my friends more. I feel like I work alot... but I saw someone's tweet the other day that I thought was cool. It said that Dr Oz (that other dude Oprah made famous) says your resolution should be to get more sex, get more sleep and eat more. I'm pretty sure everyone can get on board with that. But then that's sad next year... imagine you next year after making that resolution, and you feel guilty cause you didn't keep THAT resolution... shit... hahaha that sucks if you can't manage to sleep/eat/"sleeeeeep" more...
heart tiff