Thursday, December 2, 2010

I don't want Live Music to die!

I got an email from the booker at Lyve on Whyte and I'm super sad that the place is closing down. I'm not surprised, just fucking sad. It's all about numbers. You just can't get people interested in live music anymore and that obviously fucking sucks for me! I don't know if it's because there are soooo many bands out there and some are going to inevitably suck balls, and people are sick of hearing them, or if it's too cold to leave your house, or the style of music thats super popular these days isn't possible live, but fuck! If you don't support it, it will die, and then we're stuck listening to Rhianna and Eminem and fake music made out of peoples basements on computers all day.
I like technology and what it can do for real instruments, I don't like that people who can't fucking sing or play anything are richer than me in this profession!!!
I guess I'm just upset today cause it makes me think: What's going to happen to me? Nobody likes music, you can't get a music venue to stay open because they can't afford to, and that's sad for me cause that's how I pay my bills, and also how I showcase my own stuff and try to get famous!
If anyone out in internet land is reading this, I'd love to know what it is about music venues you don't like. Seriously! I know for me, I hate watching shitty bands. There I said it. I know you've got to start somewhere, but hopefully you started in a rehearsal room or something along those lines. I like watching good bands! I love watching good bands! I like watching people start their career but who have something worth starting a career with!
Just let me know what you think about music venues and why they aren't really getting the support they need, let me know why guys! It's not like I can do anything about it, but I like the conversation. I just want to talk to sommmmebuddy.

But good news, I'm busy as all shit this December! Make money money make money money! So I wasn't all that worried about myself this month. I'm so busy I don't know when I'll be able to get into the studio and finish layin down vocal tracks for the album! But we've got to, cause this is one bad muthafucker and we need to finish it so you can hear it. If you liked the last one, you'll like this. If you didn't like the last one (well a, you suck) then you'll like this one, cause it's a gem.

Don't forget to check out this invite on facebook:!/event.php?eid=131674613554259
It's an event I'm playing right away in December, and all proceeds are going to the Bissell Center! Lots of cool artists from around town are playing, including myself, and we're gonna party it up Christmas style! Bring your ugly ass christmas sweaters!
Also, I love Movember when everyone has ugly facial hair. It's my favorite holiday. DONT SHAVE DUDES! I THINK YOU LOOK HOTTER WITH A MUSTACHIO!

heart tiff

1 comment:

  1. Lady I love live music like you can't imagine. More often than not I just don't know when or where you're playing (not being on FB and all). You let me know where you're going to be and I'll be there with friends in tow. I heart you, your music and your crazy sassy style!

