Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Freakin' the Fuck Out

So I take myself on over to Long and McQuade. Buy two keyboards. Right there on the spot! But my stomach's trying to catch my attention and say "Dude! Don't do it! I'll poop right now if you do this!" I didn't poop. Don't worry. But I was pretty freaked out. I'm not the most financially stable musician out there right now, but I needed 'em. They're not as technologically frustrating as that last MONSTER I owned, but they have so few buttons that I am proud to say I already know how to work them. They have all the sounds I need, and there are two of them. Which means, Kyle better get his sweet sweet ass to work and build me some shells! And I have to save up money to get the rest of this fucker up and running. Like a new website. And my taxes. Apparently I'll need to pay taxes before anyone is going to let me be a legit business. Fuck them. Haters.
But I did pick my business name. Don't remember if I told you or not, but my company will be "The New Fab Music" and both of the musical acts will be "The New Fab Players" (that's a dueling piano show, and a full coverband act)
So slooooowly I make myself grow up and be more adult. And its scary as shit. But it's probably good it's taking so slow, cause I'm also scared shitless, so as long as I'm waiting to get some mullah together then I'm not stressing about the next step.
heart tiff

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