Monday, November 8, 2010

edson crazy days

You know you've made it when you're being asked to sign old hairy asses.

Yup. I'm a pretty big deal.
This particular ass is from the Nitty show, the picture is taken by the Reverand Lovejoy, and he so graciously sent it to me from his iphone and I have decided to share it with you my pretties.

As we were signing that ass, we were drunkenly booked for a birthday gig in edson, playing for the dude booking us, Brian, who had planned a surprise birthday party for his wife. So we get all set set up for this gig, drive down to edson, turn at the big
"Happy 40th Birthday Biatch" sign and get set up to play. But first we made ourselves alittle special friend. His name is Darcy. Old, self important, drunk, and quite sure that the Fab Tiff Hall is gonna go outside with him, smoke dope with him, then drive her band up to Revelstoke to play for his family, and then crash at his house. Yah, he's probably right, I'm totally into doing stupid crazy stuff. Not stupid crazy stuff with dudes older than my dad thank you very much. I'm an alcoholic, I'm drunk all the friggin time, and my beer goggles have been fine tuned.
The gig went well, we had some beers at old Castaways again, and tried to make friends with the band playing there. Who knows what they thought of us, but we didn't get kicked out of the hotel and I consider that a successful night for Tiff and the Jews. (Not our real band name, just a really bad inside band joke. But I'll keep it if you like it!)
Anyway I've sobered up since then, finished writing the last tune on the next album with Jesse Peters and started looking for the next date I can book time with Jeff Olson at (who actually has a really cute blog posting about me if you'd like to see it!)
I've been a busy busy girl.
heart tiff