Friday, January 29, 2010

A Stiff Tiff

Remember when I was trying to name a shot after myself? Yah, you're right, that was fun... I bet you've already guessed what it is just from the name of this blog haven't you? Yah, cause you're a smart cookie!

I haven't decided for sure WHAT a Stiff Tiff is... it could just be a drink, but I'm a shooter girl. The byproduct of too many years of my short life being spent working in a bar...
Tequila's my favorite. I saw on twitter tequila with cinnamon to replace the salt, and an orange slice to replace the lemon. Thank you twitter! I am learn-ed from you! I've tried this one, it's tasty. And still gonna land you on your ass. Just like me. But let me know if you have any other suggestions, it might result in a prize at Blues on Whyte next weekend!!!! You like prizes right!!!??? Me too

So Blues on Whyte??!!! Yah!

Me and those handsome boys will be playing there Sunday Feb 7, and we've got your fav Fab tunes, and some of your fav old-skool R'n'B tunes too... you like James Brown right? Yah, me too
So come on out! Especially if you're like me and don't work on Mondays. You can have a Stiff Tiff!

If you don't make it out to Blues, I've got a few gigs coming up this month. But don't be lame. Come to Blues.
More details on the other gigs later! And I wanna hear your suggestions for a Stiff Tiff!
heart tiff

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy/Hungry New Years

I sit down at my desk and start reading people's blogs and most of 'em are about newyears and their resolutions, or whatever they feel about that. I guess I wouldn't say I HATE that stuff... but it's dumb in my world. New Years is an excuse to get super drunk, and a reason for businesses to close down so I can't call and order a pizza when I'm hungover the next day. Actually I'm not sure it was the next day... what day was New Years?
I actually didn't get super drunk cause I was playing at the RP but I do remember being hungry...
I don't make resolutions. That's the point of this blog. I don't get all sappy and think about how my year has gone... to be honest I still think the "year" starts in September. Like the school year. I think I've been out of school for five years hahaha man I'm smart...
If I did make a resolution this year it would be to party with my friends more. I feel like I work alot... but I saw someone's tweet the other day that I thought was cool. It said that Dr Oz (that other dude Oprah made famous) says your resolution should be to get more sex, get more sleep and eat more. I'm pretty sure everyone can get on board with that. But then that's sad next year... imagine you next year after making that resolution, and you feel guilty cause you didn't keep THAT resolution... shit... hahaha that sucks if you can't manage to sleep/eat/"sleeeeeep" more...
heart tiff