Monday, March 28, 2011

Juno Fun!

I lay on the couch watching the junos last night, I missed the first bit, but Drake was pretty funny... I think they need to do more cut-toos like the grammies and oscars and that stuff... lets see our Canadian "celebs" out in the crowd, what are they wearing? Whose their date? Whose sitting next to them? You know that stuff is my favorite at the other award shows. I like Canadian content and we had some great people up there, but I like fancy clothes and knowing whose buds with who, I like thinking of them all friends and bullshitting with each other in little breaks between announcers or whatevs. It was a nice little break though, I felt like a had a crazy weekend. I got called up Friday evening by Ajay (bass smackin' pimp daddy) they needed a singer stat for that night. Oh no! We hadn't played three sets with each other yet! And the drummer hadn't even heard a bunch of the originals! But we were a brave little band, and we did some shots and drank some beer and made it work. Surprisingly well actually.... pretty hilarious for the sound dude who got the special treat of watching Ajay and Drew calling out changes and sections to Kurtis (beat boss robot) so he knew what the hell was happening. And me too, someone usually had to give me an eyebrow if a bridge or something was coming up. Nothing wrong with getting alittle face time with either of those handsome studlies! wink wink Then we played for the National Wheelchair Curling Championship and that was also a blast! I just tried to post a video of the fun gladiator shots that Erin Craig and her hilarious mom Cathy were pouring up all night. Here's a link so you can see it: it was pretty funny!
I laughed anyway. And drank...uh 4 atleast haha!

Now I'm preparing for a rehearsal tonite for the Crown and Anchor with Sean Burns this thursday night. Fun fun fun times at Crown and Anchor, every time. Phil likes to tease me that no one gets drunk like Tiff Hall at the Crown the night before she has to do Breakfast TV at 6 the next morning... but its not true haha! I stayed soberish that night ;)

Come on out though! We'll be playing origials for one set and then Sean Burns takes the stage and I met him once. He was funny!
heart tiff

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Something out there weren't right...

So... I'm giddy with stress I think. I have been progressively getting happier, wide-eyed and busy tailed since this weekend. Bring it on! Cause I think I'm having a mental breakdown...

I think I've been going about things very very wrong. I blame bad advice, too many music blogs about how the internet is changing the music biz and not having enough mullah. I need some mullah to progress with my new stratedgy, which is go out more and meet all the fun musicians, promoters, bar owners, tour guides, garbage collectors, librarians, polliticians (I introduced the band to the Mayor of Edson when we played there. We tried to get him to wear a "mutha fuckin fab" pin... no dice, it was election time) anybody. I'm sick of sitting in my office by myself "promoting" myself. It's not working! You know what worked for me in college? Being a drunken buffoon. Everyone wanted to hang out with me. It's in my soul, that's what I really want to do, and it's not the first or last time I've said this next tasty bit of advice: I do all my business over jager. All of it! It's "networking". But seriously, it is.

I know right? You think I'd be fucking famous by now, I drink that shit (and puke it back up the next morning) like it's going out of style! (which, it is not, or ever will)

It's my new PLAN. The PLAN is to get alittle more work (like a little bit of a dayjob) and some more students, and always more gigs, if you'll let me! (please let me play in your club! I swear we put on a good show!) <- (my new presskit should just be a video of me on my knees begging "please book me!" would it work?)
And I'll pay my bills (kinda) and just go out more to more places with my buddies and meet their buddies and know everyone in my industry. That was game plan in college, not practicing or emailing people, and it was working a fuck of alot better than what ever it is I'm doing now...

Anyway. I'm starting this PLAN, and I'm putting it into action this saturday at the Jasper Place Curling Club. It's the 2011 Canadian Wheelchair Curling Championship, and we're booked to play a full rockin' three sets. Got some new friends in the backline for this show, Josh and Nigel, and you've gotta meet 'em. So come on down! It's $5 at the door if you didn't go to the tourney, which you can! Go! I bet it'll be an adventure! But also come to our show, we're super stoked, and I will be a "networking" machine. aka: drunk as shit.

heart tiff

Thursday, March 10, 2011

One day at a time!

So I am not exaggerating when I say I have $2.07 in my bank account haha!!! Damn rent time...
But I'm surprisingly having one of the happiest weeks I've had in a long time. And I only have to wait til this saturday before I have mullacka again. So it's good that I'm enjoying myself. I had a lesson with a little girl I teach, she must be about 9 or 10 or something like that, but she's more organized than me. I want her to run my life actually, but she'd probably take one look at it and run the fuck away. Even her 10 year old judgement is probably better than mind haha! But we were learning a new song, and she played it through hands seperately and then I asked if she wanted to give it a shot hands together. She kinda looked at it and was like uhh, no I don't think I'm ready, it's too hard. So I told her we were gonna break it up into smaller chunks and just play hands together for two bars, then we'd stop, look at the next two bars, then play all the way through til there and so on. We just broke it up and did little bits until we'd gotten half way through the song. Turns out it wasn't as big and scary as she thought. I'm like see? That wasn't so bad! We can play anything no matter how hard it is if we just break it down into managable little chunks! And I think "oh em gee... did I just say something profound? Even just a little profound? Shut up no way" And that's the way I've been living my life this week, just tiny little chunks at a time.
And it's worked so far. None of my bills are going to get paid any faster if I'm freaking the fuck out about them... I know when the money's coming in and I'll pay them then. I can't until then anyway...
I also recieved donations on my indiegogo campaign, which boosted me up alittle too. Not much, but people are poor like me, and STILL believe enough in my work to give what little they could to help move this thing forward. It really gave me the warm tinglies.
You know what else gives me the warm tinglies? Collaborating. And for some reason, opportunities have started showing up in my inboxes to do things, make music, create stuff with other talented people, and I really really enjoy that too. I think music is a community thing... back in the tribe days we'd all be playing together as one, and I like to do things that way today too.
So I've stopped stressing and suddenly things are coming my way. Oooh... oh so spiritual or something. All my praying to the porcelin God must be paying off... or I just have a drinking problem.
heart tiff

Don't forget to check this out! Help me make happy music for happy days!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hello bloggy friends!

You might have already seen this on your various different social networking sites that I also am on. But it's very important for me to tell you alittle more about it!

This is a campaign to help raise enough money to finish this album. I've got a new deadline from Rawlco (the most generous grant peeps from magic 99) and I've got to get this little bitch all finished up!

I worked very hard on this, taking different grant proposals and biz proposals that Natalie Harper had worked on in the past for me, and tried to make it super easy to understand. I know that alot of people that are not musicians wouldn't know right off the bat what a each job was, or how much something like that would cost, and as a not very smart person explaining music to SMART people is hard hahaha I'm talented in the ways of rockin' out, not so much in the ways of teaching or writing. So the point is I worked my tail off on this site! And I think it looks pretty good.
It's pretty simple too, you can donate money to the cause, and it has a list of what you can get for whatever amount of donation money you give.

I want to add a couple extras, including belly dancing via youtube by popular demand: your choices would be the Reverand, Drew or Ajay haha but I haven't run this over with them yet. And if you contributed enough money, I bet I could talk them into it (note: talking them into involves alot of beer which also aint cheap)

But this album is working out to be an incredible thing, but it just comes down to "It's fucking expensive!" All of it is! Please, check out the site, and tell your friends, and if you've got a credit card or paypal account, it will mean alot to me to have your contribution. When I'm famous, I'll wave to you if I see you in the streets. Maybe even talk to you.

Come on now! I'm cooler than that! I'll fucking high five you fo' sho'!
heart tiff

Check out music from The Fab Tiff Hall
