Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cross eyed, and not drunk...

You know those great and rare days when you find your new favorite artist? I'm having one of those days, except over the past two days. I have discovered Alice Russell. And doooodes, you should to. Girl's got soul

Now I'm going to do that blogger thing where I apologize because I've got a life offline and haven't written about every little thing I saw/did/ate/said... blah blah blah. You have a life, I have a life, we all should have lives, so sooooorry :p

Other than listening to Alice Russell obsessively, I've been trying to get some more money. That's right, being almost MuthaF***in' famous doesn't pay all that well in the beginning haha... so I've been looking for interesting ways to make money so I don't have to get a day job, because then you'd REALLY never see any new blogs! But I went to a Women's Wealth Workshop, and met some interesting people, including Casey who has set me up with some teaching. I'm basically going to be Jack Black and the kids will be my school of rock. I know. I'm so f**king cool.

I won't lie though guys... I'm feeling alittle burnt out. My throat hurts as a result, and my libido's dropped. I know, life's bad when you don't wanna hump a stud like Kyle all day long. We're only talking about the past few days, not a month or something dramatic, so don't stress about it. I'm already feeling alittle better with the new job, it means less stressing about monies. I've been trying to find new music to inspire me, I made business cards, and I'm thinking of new ways to help promote myself. Life's looking up.

Getting prepared to do a more laid back show at the Bluechair Cafe, not pumping out crazy jams like we usually do. It's more of a .... somewhat of a "listening" venue. So of course, I'm fighting sickness and stuffiness and will probably hack up some nice loogies for everybody to share... but it's a great little place that's just been renovated this past summer, and you should most def come check it out. Not playing with the usual handsome fellers, but these guys are still cool kats. So hopefully I will see you there, and you can recieve you're complimentary copy of the "The New Fabulous" because I love you. And you will love my CD ; )
heart tiff

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