Monday, February 28, 2011

Gangsta Biotch!

It makes me think there really is someone watching over me after I have a weekend like this last one... only someone who really loves me could concoct such a beautiful, meaningful weekend. Full of jager, free beer, and glowsticks. Glowsticks I don't even remember!
Friday night, Kyle's in Mexico, I have the night off, the boys from my band are playing for different bands at the Pawnshop and I truck it on over there, thinking to myself: This could be fun! I hope Nick shows up so I have someone to hang out with. Didn't matter. There were sooo many people there I already knew and they just couldn't stop handing me shots of stuff and beer, and talking about all fun stuff like starting new bands that sound like Black Keys, and tons of stuff I don't remember! Like throwing glowsticks at Ajay while he's on stage with Sonic's band of the month Sister Gray. Shitty moves Tiff!! (Shitty moves but good aim, apparently I got him right in his face HA! nononono bad tiff. bad tiff) But he still loved me the next day.
When I walked into Brooklyn's on saturday night everyone had already heard about my drunkeness, and decided to show up to taunt me haha! But we played a great show, got off stage, got more drunk and got kicked out!!!! The most fabulous Phil and Mark (from "Elliott" check those bitches out guys!) almost fought with a bouncer, but they're the dudes who booked all the bands... so the reason why their normally empty gangsta bar was filled with classy music lovin and paying customers, was because of them. And us too, and yet they still kicked us out. Nice. I mean, I guess I could understand because our jeans fit, and we weren't wearing flat-brimmed hats (by the way, someone somewhere finds that stylish right? otherwise why do people keep doing that... i think its stupid as fuck)
so we clearly were the minority, and not their usual crowd, but... no sense. It makes none.
...well... i guess Ajay is one badass motherfucker... and the bartender had told us that his reputation had already been discussed amongst his staff... All Ajay is known for is kickin' ass at bass. And now puking a big mac on my front lawn. :D
Samara Von Rad opened up the night, and fuck is she adorable! Love her, also check her out guys, cause she's one sassy little minx!
Big shout out to Lady Wind BDT for showing up!!! That's my lady beer drinking soccer team, not to be confused with "Beer Leagues", my coed beer drinking soccer team. Don't worry, there are more shows a comin, like March 6th at On The Rocks, battle of the bands for the Kokanee freeride.
Love to you all!
heart tiff

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tiny Little goals

In order to not feel like I'm being swallowed in some cheap, unrealistic fantasy of being a musician, I set these tiny little goals for myself that keep me focused and help me remember that this is not stupid, and that I shouldn't call Tim Horton's and beg for a job. One of those goals was to find a video of me that I did not make, and didn't have any knowledge of whatsoever. I found one! I have a million of these little things, none of them official, just things that if I found them, or if they happen, then I must be doing ok. And actually, lots of them happen, I think I have mostly "good" days where I think "yah I'm a musician and that's ok" (of course there are days when I pray to the sky that I was good at something else. ANYTHING else, especially something not hard and frustrating like music)
Anyway, I found this little gem of me and the band doing "Fuck you" by Ceelo Green, and it's actually just one of my favorite songs. There's not alot of songs I enjoy singing, it's all just kinda "work" to me now, but this one is fun, and I still listen to it if it pops up on my ipod, cause it's a good fucking song! So we had some fun, and in the video it looks like the crowd was having some fun too!
We're at OTR on jasper ave, and I proceeded to get nice and toasty drunk after the show. I accidentally got asked out on a date!
We were all drinking and having a good time and talking to this nice new guy who was funny and we were going to add each other on facebook. So we do, and then he msgs me that he wants to meet up for coffee, and me being a workaholic (if you consider jager work, which i do!) I'm like, yah, does Wed work? He says "yah, or I could take you to dinner on tuesday" and I run away from the computer, because I probably haven't been asked on a date since Kyle asked me on a date and so dates = living together in my mind, but me and Kyle STILL live together so he's not gonna like that. Not that I want to date this guy, I'm just embarrassed that someone asked me on a date haha
See the trouble you get me into Ceelo Green?
Anyway, check out the video, and show your friends, because the more people that see it, the more people know I fucking rock right?

heart tiff

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eating machine! And I don't work for nobody but you!

Guys I just invented something! It's a "Ham Samich Salad"! I had some lettuce in my fridge, right next to some ham and cheese, guess what that almost sounds like? If you guessed ham samich, your right! I just left out the bread, and I put it all in a bowl, and I mixed up some mustard and mayo and salt and pepper and put it on that bitch! Its a Ham Samich Salad!
Fucking tasty right?

Also I'm putting together a new thing on I'll let you know where to find it when it actually has something on it.

Essentially its my budget, my business plan, and you can look at it, see how much I need and donate a little sumthing sumthing my way to help finish up this musical magic called "Tiff's next album"
It's not much that I figured out I needed, but as we all know, musicians don't roll around in dollar bills unless they rap. I roll around in old bird feathers because my bird is growing in some new feathers and his old ones are EVERYWHERE. Just these tiny little fuzzies flying everywhere, and you can see them in the sunlight and sometimes in front of the tv. But whats a girl or bird to do? He needs new feathers, and he's gotta make some room!
heart tiff

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I wrote out this ENTIRE blog entry already, and then I'm uploading a picture of the very tasty Elliott, and the fucking thing goes back to "start a blog" page or something, and it was ALLLL GOOOOONE.
Fuuuuuuuuuck you blogger.

Anyway, that last blog that I wrote and couldn't post was a good one too! It was all about stalking Elliott and Samara Von Rad on facebook. Not me stalking them silly, you! I already have stalked them and now I want to pass the creepy buck onto you! We're playing a show with them Saturday Feb 26 @ Brooklyns and I'm tellin ya... it's gonna be good. These guys are great. I saw Samara at OTR for that Bissell Center Fundraiser we did at xmas. She raised funds too! And Elliott we played a show with at the Brixx and if you were there (which many of you were!) you know we all had a great time! So find them on facebook and like them! Follow them! Look at their pictures late late and night, and come out to the show and for the love of twitter, drink tons! And tons!

I'm having a shit ton of fun playing in Edmonton and meeting all these cool local people/bands and I'm loving every second of it. But I need to get outta this town alittle too! I'm working hard at booking shows out of town, especially since my new album is almost done and I think the world really really needs to hear it. It's sooo good so far! I'm super stoked with the work that Jesse Peters has done helping me write and producing the songs in exactly the sound I dream of when I'm listening to itunes and daydreaming about being famous.
Do you know a venue that wants to book me? Do you know the dudes email that wants to book me? Where have you and your coolster band played that was really nice to you and payed you some money and let you play on their stage? Cause I want to be friends with that dude. And to email him my demo!

It's hard guys and ladies! It's hard! I email tons and tons! But I sat with the boys last night and we talked about the cd release for E-town and we have some super fun ideas that we could pull off. Now we we need to start slowly taking over other towns too!

Anyway, here are some pics of my febuary 26 friends:

Elliott! Phil in the back there on drums, loved by all, feared by a few!

Samara Von Rad, super cutie! She has some fun songs on the ol' youtube too, so you should check that out!

Guys! I'm so stoked for this show! We're gonna have a fucking blast!
heart tiff