Thursday, April 28, 2011

diy sales!

I just read an interesting article about "selling" your album, I think this is a good point, and it's something I'm gonna focus more on: lying! Making shit up about junk and selling it on ebay! (Shit, i missed the point didn't I?)

heart tiff

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've subscribed to an interesting little musicians blog, and they send me newsletters right to my email (which I check a ton) and I just thought you dudes might find it interesting:
go there, subscribe if you're interested in reading up about what the "experts" are saying and suggesting about being an indie musician. I read a few here and there, but for the most part I've decided that no one's telling me what to do with my life, and this whole being a musician thing has turned into my life, not my job. So you're not the boss of me!
Also, I've got alittle gigarooni coming up with an interesting band: REND!/pages/REND/146270328751809?sk=info
That's their facebook page, you should start stalking them immediately. Like this friday at Expressionz cafe. You know a band's going to be fun to play with when you meet up with your pal Jesse Peters and he says "You're playing with REND? She's got a killer voice" Jesse doesn't just like anybody, so good on ya Carol-Lynn Quinn! (she's the lead singer guysssss)
They've got a soulful, groovy jazz thing going on for themselves, so I think it'll be a good show. I also promised the boys in my band there would be trunk beers. That is beers from the trunk of my car, for anybody out there with money that can afford to buy booze inside of the bar you're hanging out in.... (we're not in that category)

Anyway, check out REND, and thornybleederbloggy thingy! Or don't and be miserable.
heart tiff