Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm sure everyone reading this (what, maybe two people???? but that makes you the fav two in the world!) anyway... I'm sure you two know about hard knocks. Maybe I've had some this year. I'm turning 26 next month and my good pal told me 26 was hard for him. You're not in your early twenties anymore, you're almost an adult, and when you were a kid you had a dream of your fabulous Sex-in-the-City life you were going to be living by now, blah fucking blah. I feel like that was me THIS year. And it fucking sucked! I mean, good things happened. And bad things, and I'm sure everyone's life is like that, whether they're rich or whatevs. The only reason why I bring any of this up is because I feel like today's a good day. I woke up, feeling pretty refreshed and actually willing to do something other than lay in my sweats and play stupid geeky computer games. I'm interested in my piano again, and putting in the effort I need to, just to get this next FEW projects off the ground. Let me tell you alittle about them, because Bird knows, I need the help.

First off, I've started doing alittle work with Jesse Peters for the next album. Second off, I need some band members. My fav boys are moving off to Toronto (boo) to try their musically talented hand out east (yay) and keep pursuing their dreams (yay) and leave me to drink alone (boo).

But hey. They've got dreams too. I wish them all the best of luck (with tears streaming down my face)
If you don't check out
then something bad will happen to someone. I won't tell you who.

So I'm searching for a new band. I've already found Nick Lovejoy, drummer extradinaire. I'm obviously spelling queen -inaire, I have no idea if that's right or not. But Nick's hopped on board, so we're brainstorming bass and guitar players. There are a few requirments:
Must like me, which is like, SO totally hard to do.
Must like beer, jager, or anything in that area.
Those are pretty much it. I can't have someone who doesn't want to drink a few pints with me, make up a setlist, and probably a few times, let my Mom buy them rounds and rounds of beers, because she REALLY likes to. Just ask Ian, the old drummer.

Oh, also they must be handsome, especially the guitar player because for some odd reason girls go apeshit for guitar players. It's true. Or piano players too actually, and I have no idea why. I even googled it. There were many-a-discussion, especially on dating websites about whether guitar players got all the girls or not. I didn't post anything, but I read a few posts.
Also, the duelling thing is on the ol brain. But I'll let you know when I've got something more than a few thought bubbles above my curly haired head.
heart tiff


  1. Baby I believe the best is yet to come for you. You'll find another kick-ass band and the sky will be the limit. In the meantime, I want an invite to your 26th. I wanna get you schmammered!

  2. the new album will be unreal Tiff. So excited to be a part of it
